Ownership Question of Truth :
the “Truth” is not proprietary. The
ownership of the Truth is claimed by many influential dogmas and ideologies. We have seen notable wars (of words and
swords) had happened between the “possessors” of Truth. Truth cannot be given the status of to be
called as “Truth” without two contributory elements or processes, attaining and
accepting. The birth and growth of Truth
is based on these ErP (Elements or Processes).
Attainment of Truth in some cases is the contribution of an individual
of a particular period or individuals of various epochs. The Truth attained has
to be revealed then only it will gain strength to exist. The birth of
revelations may be given by “desire” to be revealed. Not
all revealed Truths has the strength of existence but also it requires
acceptance to continue to survive and grow.
Acceptance of the “attained” Truth is necessitated either by the crisis
of survival (in more philosophical term “existence”) or to achieve geographical
dominance. To put it simple acceptance
of any Truth has happened by instinct and conscience. This instinct driven acceptance is sometimes
“natural” (in sociological term) and other times outcome of “existence” (in
Biological term). This acceptance is voluntary. Acceptance by
conscience is simply called as politics of the Power. This type of acceptance
is created by social conditions in order to consolidate, safeguard and
rule. The role of Power cannot be
ignored while thinking about AbC (Acceptance by Conscience). This type of acceptance is controlled. If an individual makes public his “attained”
Truth, it is called as Revelation (in theological sense). If a group wanted to
make public their “attained” Truth it is called as “war” (of words and swords). Power does not own the Truth, but it claims
its ownership by altering the Truth.
Existence of Truth is further strengthened by Power. So Truth is an illusionary land owned by
many. This ownership of Truth has one more process called Validating. This validating process is otherwise called
as war. The acceptors of particular
Truth need to validate their Truth by clashing with the owners of other
accepted Truths. This assures the
unchallenged survival of one’s Truth.
Survival of Truth can be achieved by four processes,
1. Attainment
2. Acceptance
3. Conflict or validation
4. Stagnation
By silencing
the other Truths this stagnation is attained.
After this stagnation nothing but Power will gain the complete ownership
of Truth.